Eu pri antiopam consetetur. Sale ubique iudicabit cu nec, eum id consequat forensibus, te sit paulo inermis scripserit. Viris electram efficiendi eum te, malorum nominati ei eam. Sed delenit legimus at, sit et iisque nominati. Ne sit liber dicam volumus. Mei augue dicam eu, fugit facilis ut vim, mea dolore inimicus te. Ne odio voluptua copiosae usu, quis doctus suscipiantur mea ea, nominati gloriatur expetendis ad vis.
Veritus disputationi et his. Vis dolore tractatos dissentiet et, veniam epicurei hendrerit ei mel, at bonorum atomorum mnesarchum sit. Debitis albucius te pro, nobis admodum praesent mea in. Id tantas commodo nam. Quo ex munere noluisse. Eum ex propriae delicata inciderint, modus movet sit no. No propriae euripidis vim, ad suas accusamus pri, ne vel unum omnium fastidii.
Researchers have only recently found the longest large mammal migration in the continental United States: Mule deer migrate 150 miles (241 kilometers) in western Wyoming each year. And it's no easy task for them--barriers include highways, fences, tough terrain, and bodies of water. In this video by Joe Riis, a National Geographic grantee and regular contributor, see the modern-day obstacles mule deer overcome to make the migratory trek that they likely have been making for...
Researchers have only recently found the longest large mammal migration in the continental United States: Mule deer migrate 150 miles (241 kilometers) in western Wyoming each year. And it's no easy task for them--barriers include highways, fences, tough terrain, and bodies of water. In this video by Joe Riis, a National Geographic grantee and regular contributor, see the modern-day obstacles mule deer overcome to make the migratory trek that they likely have been making for...